Goodbye Panda


The Ride

The Ride is a 5 min loop, and is a part of the "i love ikooki" exhibition.
It depicts a fragment of the relationship between ikooki and Her Friend as seen through Panda's eyes.

Zen Bubbles

Zen's excrement is bubbles.
All Zen's activities are floating and secreting bubbles.

Zen is also ikooki's hat.
Zen's bubbles animate ikooki's souless body.

Goodbye Panda
The Ride
Zen Bubbles
Goodbye Panda


The Ride

The Ride is a 5 min loop, and is a part of the "i love ikooki" exhibition.
It depicts a fragment of the relationship between ikooki and Her Friend as seen through Panda's eyes.

Zen Bubbles

Zen's excrement is bubbles.
All Zen's activities are floating and secreting bubbles.

Zen is also ikooki's hat.
Zen's bubbles animate ikooki's souless body.

show thumbnails